About COGI Ecosystem

COGI Network, formerly an NFT MMORPG game project, was developed by a group of experts in the fields of gaming, Blockchain, finance and technology, who share a strong passion for games. The project launched in Q4.2021 with the initial goal of building a "Blockchain-based RPG community" in the SEA market.

Within 1 year since its launch, with the slogan: "Passion 2 Innovation", the team has made great progress, constantly building and perfecting – turning a single game project called 9D NFT into a complete ecosystem with the desire to seek outs potential partners and create a big playground for the global Blockchain/Crypto Community


Apr: Planning for 9DNFT gameplay

May: Building COGI token & COD token based on the token standards of Binance and Ethereum Blockchain

Jun: Developing NFT item as ERC721 standard

Implementing the first NFT-ERC721 for MMO-9DNFT game

Developing 9D hotwallet

Jul: Building major features for NFT marketplace


Dec: Launching 9DNFT- The first 3D Martial Art/ Metaverse NFT Game in SEA


Feb: Launching Marketplace Auction system

Apr: 9DNFT Big update V1.2

Jul: Building COGI cross chain platform for gaming industry to connect with major ecosystem layer1

Aug: 9DNFT Big update V1.3

Oct: 9DNFT Big update V2.0

Nov: M&A AIVO Venture F.Z.C Launching COGI chain & NEMO Platform


Launching COGI scan, COGI bridge

Launching NEMO wallet web version

Launching One SDK, One Marketplace

Launching Soul Realm (the 2nd game on NEMO Platform)

M&A Skymatic & launching Skymatic.NEMOverse.io



Updating and improving NET One Marketplace

Upgrading and Improving COGI Scan (COGI Chain Explorer)

Upgrading and Improving NEMO Wallet

Staking COGI on COGI Chain

Launching COGI Dex (MaticDex on COGI chain)

ENS - Decentralize Naming Service

Big update (Both 9DNFT & Soul Realm games)

Migrate GalixCity game to NEMO

Platform Launching Project 4th on NEMO Platform


COGI LaunchPad

Migrate & Upgrate Bridge- Crosschain between networks: COGI-BSC, COGI- Avalanche, COGI-Ethereum

NEMO Wallet on Mobile app version

NFT One Marketplace on mobile app version

Improving and upgrading MaticSwap for the other assets such as BNB and AVAX token

Big update (all game)

Launching Project 5th on NEMO Platform


Improving quality and security for COGI Chain

Adding functionalities for One Marketplace

Big update (all game)

Launching Project 6th on NEMO Platform


Launching public COGI Chain - Layer 2 for executing EVM smart contracts and creating assets

Big update (all game)

Launching Project 7th on NEMO Platform